

“Someone once told me that to write well, you have to write what you know” – Drew Barrymore as Josie Geller, Sun-Times Staff Writer – Never Been Kissed

This is what I know…

My name is Stephanie Danielsson. Born and raised in the heart of suburban Long Island, NY, I spent an eight year stint in Buffalo, NY where I attended the University at Buffalo, gave wings to my young professional career and had the pleasure of making a handful of lifelong friends.

I am an outspoken, tenacious individual with closer ties to friends than family. Life has not been a walk in the park for me, but every obstacle thrown before me was just another chance to declare myself a champion. I am a fighter, and it has made me who I am today.

This journal is my way to share with you the experiences that have made me successful personally and professionally, and the ones I’ve yet to have.

As a coach, leader, friend, or daughter I encourage you to find strength within yourself; to stand after falling, to dream, and dream big, accept help when needed and most of all to be brave enough to get out of your own way and let life happen.


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